

...You've probably heard a million yarn's about Pirate's and such, especially if you've found your way to my page, but I wonders if you've ever heard of the account of me military ancestors...

...Here's a sea story of how the ole' United States Marine Corps was founded! In 1775, on November the 10th, the Navy was having their arses handed to them by the British Royal Marines. A young lad who went by the name and title of Captain Samuel Nicholas, growing quite weary of seeing his shipmates prounced upon and unmercifully sent into that big ocean in the sky, decided he was going to single-handedly find a way to safegaurd naval vessels and turn the tide of the war with ole' mother England...

...The young Cap'n feeling quite frisky, knew he needed real men for this job..not ordinary men who would flinch at the first sign of danger mind you, but men of steel...brave men with heart's of stone and fist's to match. Well, young Mr. Nicholas knew of a local establishment down near the waterfront in Philadelphia.(Pennsylvania) The name of this infamous pub was "TUN TAVERN". Now, the scallywags which inhabited this place were not your school mums and sunday school teacher's, they were Pirate's and the like. They were men who constantly fought for survival. So's young Sam goes and thinking quickly(by the way, he also goes down in history as the first U.S.M.C.recruiter)buys all the rogues grog...and keeps buying, and buying, and dammit beavis, you get the picture...

...Alas, our rogues awaken from a drunken slumber on board one of the first naval vessels. At this point in the story, our Pirate's arn't to keen on the idea of being shang hai'd, so's they decides a good mutiny is in order. Now like I say's, young Sam's no dolt, he had the scallywags sign a contract(damn recruiter's)binding the Pirate's services til the bitter end or until America has her freedom from England, which ever happens to come first...

...Now's the best part, you know the rest of the story, we won and the Corps was born, and over 75% of those bucaneers decided they liked the Corps and stayed for various length's of time...Now you know the rest of the story...(sorry, Mr. Harvey!)


"Carry on!"