The "Fenwick
Island" is a menhaden boat that sunk in a storm around 1968. Not a lot
is published about the history of the boat except that she was a menhaden
boat a went down with a full load of fish in a storm. The "Fenwick Island" is approximately 89
feet and list's on her port side. From accounts from local Captain's and my
source of info, (Capt. Jerry Smith-Sea Quest
2) she had a full load
of fish that must have weighed her down. The "Fenwick Island" rests
on the Cape Lookout shoals on the west side in 55 feet of water. The wreck lies
in what resembles a soup bowl, deeper in the middle and oval on the outskirts of
the wreck.
On the last weekend in May 2001, me and Phlink (who of course now has orders due south!) decided to check her out. After hailing the "Sea Quest 2" on the radio and getting good GPS numbers from Capt. Jerry Smith, we ventured on over to the wreck and had my Son drop the anchor. He dropped it on the second sweep right into where once was a porthole! We dropped down the anchor line into 40 feet of visibility and saw a pretty little wreck, full of colorful reef fish, amber jack, and grouper! Sea anemone were being guarded by arrow crabs, and smaller fish were hiding in the corals! We checked out a little of the inside, but didn't carry lights to penetrate further down inside the wreck. We will see what lies on our next trip to the "Fenwick Island"
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