The "Naeco" was probably the 2nd best dive I've had here in North Carolina! I dove the Naeco, (OCEAN spelled backwards) in November of 1998, and me and my camera didn't see eye to eye. I am happy to report I didn't run into the same problems on May 22, 1999, when me and my friend "Jake" dove this fantastic wreck. I still make the classic photo blunders by trying to take pictures into the current, but I just got my MX10 and wanted to play. Hopefully you'll enjoy these pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them! First a little about the "NAECO"
...At 3:15 a.m. on March 23, 1942, with a full load of heating oil and bound for New Jersey, the 5,373 ton NAECO was hit with a single torpedo from the German submarine, the U-124. The blast killed the Captain and most of the officers, set the cargo on fire, and weakened the ship so badly that she later broke in two. The next morning, rescuers found only fourteen of "NAECO's" thirty-eight man crew alive. She now lie's in two places, but the most frequently diver explored portion, appoximately 42 miles southeast of Morehead City, sits in 140 feet of water.
...Visibility was quite good, it was called at 70 to 80 feet in both directions and the water temp was in the 70's! A fantastic wreck if you get the chance to dive her...don't pass this one up!!!
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